Hell no I don't "let" spiders live in my house! I too along with a few other dont seem to mind the small tiny spiders that you can easliy smash with your bare hand....but alas where I live in TX definately lives up to that "TX Sized" theory. I never really had a problem w/ spiders until living where I do now. I live on 22 acres w/ plenty of insects, arachids, and other wildlife. But the 1st time I could actually HEAR a spider before seeing it...oh yeah, that was my personal arachnophobic beginning. If a spider is big enough to be heard climbing up a wall over the T.V.....time to die Spidey. The worst part is knowing I have to grab a large shoe or boot cuz you know damn well you aint gonna smash something with your bare hand if its bigger than the hand doing the smashing. I remember having my stepdad go after one on the wall and it jumping off the wall directly towards me! Then there was the time I was picking up laundry on the stairs to bring up with me...about 2 steps up I felt the very long legs of a spider crawling up my arm and I toatlly freaked because I could tell how big it was by its gait! So an answer to your question...hell no they cant live in my house!!! They have 22 damn acres to choose from let them find their own house! Its bad enough knowing I have all these wolf, tarantula, banana, widows, recluses, and whatever the hell smaller ones living around me are called. They come within my sight..I call em dead.
Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
JoinedPosts by Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
Do you let spiders live in your home?
by Elsewhere in.
i have one or two little spiders that i noticed living in my home... but i don't get rid of them hoping that they will keep the other bugs out.. does anyone else do this?.
by SwampThing ini thought i would take a moment to introduce myself to you all.
i?ve been reading your forum for a couple of weeks now and have gained a great deal of insight.
i do have a few questions i would like to ask, but i will do that a bit later.
Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
Welcome Swampy!!!
Pit Bull dogs
by Schizm ini want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
As a an avid animal lover and working in the animal field for 8 yrs now I cannot believe the terror people have of pit bulls...not only pit bulls, but german shepherds, rotties..etc. If I have learned nothing else from working with animals it is that it is a very rare occasion that the animal itself is born aggressive. Have you ever heard the phrase "there are no bad dogs, just bad owners?" now dont get me wrong, I believe there are some dogs who are truly f*cked up in the head at birth, such as the chow who I was attacked by. Come to find out not only has the chow attacked me but it has bitten its owners and their 2 children leaving their 2 yr old daughter with a huge scar going down the length of her face because "she got to close to the dog while it had its toy." And what bothered me even more was the fact the dog was still alive to continue doing so. Sorry to offend anyone but those are the dogs who need nothing more than a bullet. On the other hand look at all of the psychotic schnauzers and chihuahuas we have out there because the owners refuse to lay down the law...I think the only reason ppl arent terrified of them is because they believe they cant do as much damage as a pit bull could. Any dog can be a dangerous dog if put in the wrong environment. I have delt with many pits as a vet tech and groomer and in my 8 yrs there are only 3 that come to mind when I think dangerous. Of all the other they all seem just to be big friendly doofuses. Keep in mind though that ppl who are willing to actually bring their pits in to a vet actually do care for their dogs. The 3 I spoke of were all forced to come to a vet for shots or risked having the dog taken. I currently now own a pit bull/english bullie cross who ppl are terrified of because she has a pit face...but anyone who knows her will tell you she doesnt even realize she could hurt another living being if she wanted to. She loves other ppl, children, and animals and I know quite a few ppl with purebred pits who say theirs are the same. But hey thats the difference between a good owner and a bad owner.....do you think any pit thats been taken in by some assh*le for fighting is really going to be a "good dog" no its been trained to fight if it wants to live and that humans are not its friend. How would you feel being chained your whole life being forced to fight and getting severe wounds just so you could eat. And do you think these ppl have any love for these dogs? Hell no they dont...ive seen several dogs who have been starved to death or have slowly bled to death because these ppl are losing fights with them and wont bother to have serious injuries taken care of. So you tell me...what breed of dog, any breed, should be expected to go thru that and still behave like a dog who has been given care, love, and shelter? It just proves that pits are the breed in the spotlight now, and that as long as we have assh*le owners we're gonna have assh*le dogs, regardless to breed.
Do you believe in psychics?
by Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers! inhi there everyone, just wanted to see if any of you believe in any psychics or paranormal activity.
i know that as a jw we are taught that any ghosts are demons and any psychic activities are demonized.
would love to hear any feedback and or any pesonal experiences you have had and if you believe they are all demons, or if there is a difference between good and bad spirits.
Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
Hi there everyone, just wanted to see if any of you believe in any psychics or paranormal activity. I know that as a jw we are taught that any ghosts are demons and any psychic activities are demonized. Would love to hear any feedback and or any pesonal experiences you have had and if you believe they are all demons, or if there is a difference between good and bad spirits. Watching and waiting ;)
Wo is the president of the WT rightnow? His name is ?????
by avengers inwe think you will like to hear of some recent happenings around bethel..
max larson:.
at 6:10 pm on april 29, 2004 a small group of workers met in max.
Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
Awww poor Bethelites nothing! They werent forced to move if you recall they finally sold out (gee i guess materialism doesnt count if its actuall cash and not possesions) and not only did they sell out they sold out big! When they sold the place in brooklyn they made billions....thats right..not millions..but billions...how much of that do you think actuallly went to those living and working there. Im sure they moved them right over to the farm and gave them a raise you know maybe they get $4.00 an hour now lmao. Poor saps.
Things your mom said to you to get you to stop doing things............
by Sunnygal41 inif you keep picking your nose, your nostrils will get as big as a horse's!.
we can use your face for a halloween mask if it freezes suddenly with that expression on it.. how would you feel if your sister died after you said such awful things to her?
(this following a normal, sibling scuffle).
Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
Mom used this all the time when my sis and I were in trouble : ARE YOU CRYING?!?! IM ABOUT TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!!! - Then the ass beatings would commence LOL
Idiotic things only a jw would say
by micheal ina c.o in one of his friday night talks noticed when he was invited for meals at the brothers and sisters homes that everyone has their chairs and sofa's pointed at the direction of the television set and asked why do people do that.
then he went on to strongly suggest that everyone change this and either have their furniture pointed somewhere else or get rid of the television.
what a total moron!!
Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
I think a few of my favorites as a kid were:
No you cant watch E.T. - its demonized, and when my grandmother found out I had an E.T. doll...here comes all the "he comes alive at night and will get you" speaches Great stuff for an impressionable child to hear. Way to go granny
This demonisim also refered to the Smurfs LOL
According to my immediate still JW family, any extra-terrestrials, if they do exist, are demons.
As I got older and make up was an issue, I would hear.."not to much, you look like Jezebel"
Oh I could go on and on LOL
New Member :)
by Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers! injust a newbie here trying to aquaint myself.
i can' t say how thrilled i was to find out that this site existed!
it was actually shown to me by my sister - who by the way - with you're help- has seen the truth about the "truth" and is in the process of learning to live a normal life.
Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
Hi Everyone,
Just a newbie here trying to aquaint myself. I can' t say how thrilled I was to find out that this site existed! It was actually shown to me by my sister - who by the way - with you're help- has seen the truth about the "truth" and is in the process of learning to live a normal life. I was "raised in the truth" and it has taken me a long time to de-program myself out of alot of their teachings and sometimes I find is still hard to do especially since my mother, her husband, and both of their immediate families are still jw's. Not to mention my bible thumpin' grandmother who literally has gone crazy with Jehovah's word. I constantly am being riddled with invites to the hall and told how great this week's watchtower is, along with members of my mothers cong. constantly stopping by because "they were in the neighborhood.". Anyhow, its nice to know that there are others out there who know how I feel and it just validates all of my thinking up to this point after reading all of the similar experiences you all have had. I would have loved to go to Apostafest, and would have if I had known about this site earlier - but I would still love to meet some of you in the DFW area and de-program together LOL As I said before, Im so glad this site is available and I hope to make many FRIENDS here - I dont need anymore brothers and sisters...I'm all stocked up here!